Documents containing sensitive information are frequently sent between internal business processes as well as external parties such as clients partners, vendors and regulatory agencies. Without proper security sharing these documents via email, or through other channels could lead to data leaks and costly legal actions, as well as lost business opportunities. This is why secure online document exchange is vital to protecting your company’s confidential data.

A secure file transfer solution can protect data in the process and at rest by encrypting files before they’re sent, ensuring that only authorized recipients can decode the data. Certain solutions also allow you to create passwords that ensure only those who have the correct passphrase are how a vdr can help you close deals faster able to open your files.

This prevents unauthorised access and ensures compliance with regulations such as PCI and HIPAA. Secure document exchange software provides transparency and accountability by tracing each file’s progress from upload to download, with an audit trail that is tamper-proof.

It is easy to create secure document portals for your customers. Your clients can upload documents via a web-based portal or directly via an enterprise-branded Thru MFT software. In either scenario, an organization can track and securely deliver files in order to satisfy compliance requirements.

A client portal lets you to centralize and standardize files so that they can be accessed via desktop computers, tablets, and mobile devices. It can also be used to request documents. You can even automate your workflow with templates which request a set of documents from multiple clients simultaneously saving you time. Many solutions provide eSignature and core workflow software integrations to facilitate seamless collaboration.

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